Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Our last professional development had some great ideas on incorporating technology into the classroom.  

The children used manipulatives to gain a deeper understand that the equals symbol in an equation means the same.  By building a group of ten and removing the given number, the kids were able to determine the missing number.  We had a lot of "ahhhh" moments today.  

Friday, February 13, 2015

Filling Valentine bags

Star Lab

 Inside the dome

Valentine's Day Party

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Pictures from our research project in the library.

Mrs. Groden invited our class to the library for a research project on the sun, using the iPads and informational text.   Everyone did a great job sharing what they thought they already knew.  This also got us thinking about all the things we were wondering about the sun.    Mrs. Groden created a Padlet to show you all the great questions we came up with to use in our research.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Using magic "e" to make words

Matching onset and rimes using snowballs and mittens. 

Choosing just right books for our Reading at Home program.  Please have your children read their books multiple times before the end of the week.  The children are doing a great job increasing their sight word knowledge and decoding new words with exposure to familiar text.  

The kids love writing on the Smartboard.